Hamba menjadi berminat untuk mengutip tulisan ini untuk ditampal dalam laman ini kerana ia sebenarnya mempunyai fokus dan minat yang serupa iaitu mengenai ancaman yang dibawa oleh Anwar bin Ibrahim terhadap kelangsungan kuasa pemerintahan serta kedaulatan Malaysia di bawah sistem sedia ada. Hamba tidak akan merasa puas kalau tulisan ini tidak hamba kongsikan dengan kawan kawan. Jadi silakanlah:
Selepas itu saya tidak lagi terpengaruh dengan Al Faruqi dan para pengikutnya yang ada di Malaysia, termasuk Anwar Ibrahim. Al Faruqi dididik oleh mubaligh-mubaligh Nasrani sehingga diberikan keistimewaan di Amerika sebagai profesor. Anak-anak didik seperti inilah yang digunakan untuk memesongkan Islam. Sekarang segala-galanya sudah terbongkar. Dan pada masa itu Anwar sangat aktif, rupa-rupanya dia juga terjebak dengan kegiatan memesongkan Islam melalui saluran intelektual. Dan rancangan Barat itu hampir berjaya setelah mereka mampu meletakkan Anwar di samping Mahathir, sehingga Anwar menjadi TPM, dan pernah memangku jawatan PM.
Allah MAHA KAYA, rancangan untuk meletakkan Anwar sebagai PM tidak berhasil dan Mahathir pun akhirnya telah maklum akan siapa Anwar sebenarnya, walaupun pada satu ketika pernah meletakkan sepenuh harapan kepada Anwar. Allah telah selamatkan Malaysia.
Al Faruqi dibunuh kerana amalkan homoseksual
Joseph Louis Young stabbed Islamic scholars, Isma’il dan Lois al-Faruqi to death with a 15-inch knife in their Cheltenham Township home because he suspected them of having homosexual relationships with Malaysian students, according to a confession read at Young’s trial yesterday.
In the first day of testimony in Montgomery County Court, Philadelphia Police Detective Carol Keenan read an eight-page, typewritten confession signed by Young when he was arrested Jan. 16.
According to his confession, Young, also known as YusufAli, killed the Faruqis because he “found out that Dr. Faruqi and his wife were having homosexual relations with the Malaysian students.” Defense attorney Stephen G. Heckman said that as a child, Young, 40, of North Philadelphia, had been sexually molested by a man. Homosexuality is “a very degrading act for Muslims,” Young said in the confession.
Young’s statement said he was prompted to commit the slayings by Ghulam Nabi Fai, acting president of the Muslim Student Association, a national organization. According to the statement, Young said he and Nabi Fai were “very close friends…. He never came right out and said it, but I knew he wished Dr. Faruqi and his wife were dead by the way he joked about him (Isma’il al-Faruqi) and called him Big Bubba.”
By Amy S. Rosenberg, Inquirer Staff Writer. Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA); Published: 1987-02-21
Anwar dikaderkan di Universiti Georgetown
Georgetown University is a Jesuit private university located in Georgetown, Washington, DC. Father John Carroll founded the school in 1789, though its roots extend back to 1634.
Georgetown University adalah salah satu universiti Jesuit yang terkemuka di dunia. Kaitan Anwar adalah dengan Jesuit, dan dari sana Anwar menjalin hubungan dengan Zionist dan Mossad.
Very few people in Malaysia ever study Jesuitism, and the great majority of Malaysians have very little knowledge about Jesuits. There are about 25,000 Jesuits of the highest rank (vow) in the world, of which about 10% are in India alone. Their network is so excellent, mixing religious, educational, missionary, political, and diplomatic elements all into one solid intelligence network.
The Catholic Herald is published by Jesuits, this is the cause of the Kalimah Allah issue. Most Malaysians only hear about Zionists, Freemasons, Yahudi, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, CFR, neocons, New World Order, Nazis etc etc, but very seldom they ever hear about Jesuits.
Repeat: the people behind Anwar are Jesuits – they are the most powerful organization in the world. Anwar is in his present position because of his Jesuit connections – regionally based in Manila (Ateneo de Manila University), but they have centers in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand dan Indonesia (
Al Waleed Talal is deeply involved with Jesuits, as well as with Zionists and Mossad. So is Anwar. Waleed Talal: This nephew of the Saudi king is one of the world’s wealthiest investors, with a big stake in Citigroup. Received much publicity-some of it negative-in December 2005 for the $20 million gifts he made to Harvard and Georgetown to expand their Islamic studies departments.
In January 2006, with a partner, announced a $3.9 billion deal to buy Fairmont Hotel & Resorts. In February listed his hotel holdings on the Dubai stock exchange. Planning to take his main investment group, Kingdom Holdings, public on the Saudi exchange later this year. Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud ranked 8 among The World’s Richest People In 2006.
Anwar terperangkap dalam jaringan Jesuit-Yahudi-Freemason-Illuminati- New World Order
Kita mesti buka mata. It is not just Yahudi-Freemason-Illuminati New World Order. Tetapi, it is a Jesuit-Yahudi-Freemason-Illuminati New World Order. Buka minda, buka mata.
Lihat sini bagaimana Anwar sudah terperangkap dan jadi tali barut:
In the Jesuit Oath, the new Jesuit leader is instructed “you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope….
To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”(The Jesuit Oath as told by Carlos Didier, Subterranean Rome, pp349-351).
The Jesuit Oath continues: “You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”(The Jesuit Oath as told by Carlos Didier, Subterranean Rome, pp349-351).
The Jesuit Oath also states “You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to ‘be all things to all men,’ for the Pope’ sake, whose servants we are unto death.” (The Jesuit Oath as told by Carlos Didier, Subterranean Rome, pp349-351).
BEGITULAH BAGAIMANA ANWAR MENJADI AGEN JESUITS kerana kita telah diINFILTRATE sekian lama melalui orang2 seperti Anwar.
Isu Kalimah Allah juga merupakan satu daripada agenda yang sama untuk menyusup masuk ke dalam masyarakat dan memecahbelahkan masyarakat. Semua itu kerja Anwar yang dibantu olehg rakan2 di belakang tabir. Kalau kita selidiki betul2, semua ini telah berlaku di negara kita.
Anwar proksi CIA di Malaysia
Agensi-agensi perisikan yang utama di dunia merupakan satu rangkaian antarabangsa. Mereka adalah di belakang Anwar. VATICAN (JESUITS) – CIA – KGB – MOSSAD.
I cannot include graphics here, so I cannot show the graphic version of the connection between the 4 agencies. MI5/MI6 is another main agency, but not included. The modus operandi of Anwar is along the same line. Anwar merupakan upahan agensi perisikan antarabangsa, dan melalui Anwar lah akan dilakukan “regime change” di Malaysia.
PRU12 was supposed to be the time for that regime change (fungsi utama NED), tapi mereka tak dapat cukup kerusi. Wan Azizah kata “fajar menyinsing” (new dawn) untuk Malaysia selepas PRU12.
Anwar pula kata “Malaysia Baru” – slogan bagi pilihanraya kecil Permatang Pauh. They have not given up, so they are getting ready, ALL OUT, for PRU13. They can get external funding (pinjam dulu), but when they win, IT WILL BE PAYBACK TIME FOR MALAYSIA.
We Melayu will lose everything by then! They got huge funding for PRU12, and probably bigger for PRU13. It is all about VOTES, and this can be manipulated with MONEY. Democracy itself can be made into a highly corrupt practice!
Any system is good, but the people can corrupt it. Thailand is a good example where Thaksin has corrupted his supporters. PRU13 adalah masa bagi keruntuhan KETUANAN MELAYU. This is what the sponsors want.
The Chinese had done really bad things in Xinjiang. The CIA is taking advantage by supporting separatist group. Neither the Chinese media nor the western media are telling the truth.
Foreign powers just make it worse, using the divide and rule policy to take over any country. The “pro-democracy” is a CIA project. We have many of these CIA-backed leaders – Su Kyii (Myanmar), Anwar (Malaysia), Rabeya Kadeer (Xinjiang), Ahmad Chalabi (Iraq), Mousavi (Iran) etc etc – it is everywhere. Don’t get trapped. In Thailand there is Thaksin. In Nepal, the Jesuit-Communist allies overthrew the Hindu King, and today its is ruled by Maoists. It does not matter, Maoists or Communists or Socialists or pro-democracy… – these are being controlled BY THE SAME PEOPLE!
In Cambodia, the king was overthrown. There is a move to remove kings / royal families somehow by the agents of some Foreign entities. So, Malaysia must beware! We have it right here and it is happening NOW.
Apa perancangan Anwar seterusnya ?
Sila baca apa yang Anwar sedang lakukan. Anwar sedang mencari jalan untuk menjatuhkan BN dan digantikan dengan kerajaan yang baru (regime change) dan membariskan satu barisan pemimpin kerajaan yang baru. Untuk melakukan itu, Anwar perlu ada strategi tersendiri.
(1) Memecahkan orang Malayu supaya UMNO dapat ditumbangkan.
(2) Mendapatkan sokongan bukan Islam melalui pluralisme agama dan isu Kalimah Allah.
(3) Ekoran daripada itu, dapat menumbangkan BN di Semenanjung melalui pemindahan undi kepada calon2 bukan BN, dan mendapatkan undi majority daripada Sabah dan Sarawak menggunakan saluran underground.
(4) Membariskan pemimpin2 baru, termasuk bekas2 ahli2 politik serpihan BN, terutamanya yang mempunyai pengaruh dan title.
(5) Menggerakkan political activtists dengan dibantu oleh CIA operatives, jaringan intelligence antarabangsa etc.
(6) Mendapatkan sumber kewangan asing bagi membiayai kegiatan underground.
(7) Menumbangkan BN pada PRU13.
(8) Mewujudkan satu kerajaan baru yang akur kepada kehendak kuasa-kuasa asing.
(9) Menjadikan Malaysia sebuah kerajaan boneka yang mengikut agenda NWO.
(10) Mewujudkan agama Islam selari dengan fahaman Anwar sendiri yang akan cenderung kepada ajaran New Age (plurisme agama) dan kehendak New World Order (sistem Dajjal).
Di masa yang sama, PRU13 akan berlaku semasa era kekeliruan yang paling tinggi, iaitu kehangatan (kononnya) akan berlaku kehancuran dunia 2012 (galactic alignment), solar flares, polar shift, project Blue Beam / HAARP, economic crash, dan bermacam2 fitnah Dajjal.
Anwar akan menggunakan kekeliruan ini untuk mengambil kesempatan merampas tampuk pemerintahan melalui “demokrasi” – manipulasi undi menggunakan taktik2 halus.
By now, Anwar has graduated from CIA “academy” – cara2 untuk lakukan false flag. Well done Anwar, but the world does not end here, there is the AKHIRAT that you will be accounted for.